As part of the upcoming amendment to the Brandenburg University Act, the Studentenwerke Frankfurt (Oder) and Potsdam would like to initiate a naming process. The aim is to find names for the two student unions with which all interest groups – i.e. the students, the employees in the student unions, university members and the responsible ministry – can identify themselves.

The designations should be gender-sensitive and clarify the area of responsibility of the respective student union.

Further specifications can be given in a subtitle. In order to avoid unnecessary irritation, the names of the two Brandenburg student unions should relate to each other.

As part of this process, we invite you to get involved and send ideas and suggestions to us. What should the student unions be called in the future? How can what’s inside be mapped even better using a new name?

Proposals can be submitted until July 18, 2021 be sent. We are looking forward to your ideas.